About Shivabalayogi

Shivabalayogi in Bombay,
April of 1966
Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj is a yogi, one who has attained Self realization through meditation in samadhi (enlightenment), a spiritual austerity called tapas. Swamiji, as he typically referred to himself, experienced samadhi at age fourteen and meditated 23 hours every day for eight years, then at least 12 hours every day for another four years. He emerged from his 12-year tapas on August 7, 1961.

From 1963 until he dropped his body in 1994, Swamiji traveled throughout India, then Sri Lanka, then between 1987 and 1991, in the U.K. and the U.S.A. He consecrated a Shivalinga near Venice in Italy.

His public programs consisted of darshan (the blessings of his presence), initiation into meditation followed by an hour of meditation practice, and bhajans (spiritual song) and bhava samadhi (spiritual trance). He never lectured or wrote books or charged money. He taught through experience and gave blessings and healing through blessed vibhuti (ash) and food (prashad).

His work is often summarized: “Know truth through meditation, then you yourself will know who you are, your religion, your purpose in life, and your nature.  Do not believe what others say and become a slave to religious prejudices.  Meditation is your religion.  Meditation is your caste [i.e., station in life].  Meditation is your path.”

Shivabalayogi entered mahasamadhi, the great or final samadhi, on March 28, 1994. Although no longer present in his own body, he continues to be present in the many other forms he used over the previous three and four decades.

He often spoke about the soul connection between him and devotees. These Shivabalayogi Currents posts are about those connections.

of Shivabalayogi

Divine Play
the Silent Teaching of Shivabalayogi

Divine Play is a concise but complete biography directly inspired by Shivabalayogi.

Swamiji's Treasure
God Realization & Experiences of Shivabalayogi
Swamiji's Treasure is the most comprehensive biography of Shivabalayogi.

Spiritual Ministration (1992) Online & Download (free)

The 1992 edition of Shivabalayogi's biography by Gen. Hanut Singh, Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj Life and Spiritual Ministration, is now available online (complete with all original illustrations) and as a download (text only, printer-friendly) at the
Spiritual Ministration pages of the Shivabalayogi website.

Sri Shivabalayogi (1968)
Online & Download (free)

Also available online is the original English biography by Prof. S. K. Ramachandra Rao published in 1968.  You can read this book with original illustrations at Sri Shivabalayogi pages of the Shivabalayogi website and download a printer-friendly version.

A Brief Sketch of Sri Siva Balayogiji (1962)
Online & Download (free)

This booklet in Telugu and English was published in 1962, the year after Shivabalayogi completed his twelve-year tapas.  The English text and all illustrations are reproduced at the Brief Sketch page of the Shivabalayogi website.