Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hari Shreeyam Experiences


I have had a dream vision several months ago where I met Shivabalayogi. I have been familiar with him for years. I think about ten years ago I was sent vibhuti from his Mahasamadhi shrine. I would very much like to have some more if that is possible.

I first started my spiritual practe in yoga at age ten when I received my first shaktipat. I went through about ten years of automatic kriyas, mantras, etc., before reeiving another shaktipat from Swami Mukhtananda two years after he took mahasamadhi. He came as a ball of brilliant white light one night into my room, took me out of my body and gave me shaktipat again. Again I went through automatic kriyas - the bandhas, prnayama, hearing Om, seeing the various lights and sounds of nada.

I practiced at that time between four and six hours a day. I also did a three year mahamantra tapasya with the MahaMrytujaya Mantra. After three years Shiva appeared to me in a Golden Body and spoke to me and said he would grant my wish (but I'm not sure which one he was talking about).

My main devotional practice has been for the last six years shanting the Chandipat (the whole book - 400 pages). When I first committed to worshipping the Goddes Chandi this way she appeared to me smacked my face and said: "What are you doing here?" She initated me with the smack and instructed me with her question as to what I must answer inside myself. The practice has been very successful.

I have deep spiritual experiences on a regular basis and this last January when in Vajeshwari/Ganeshpuri I met a Nath who gave me diksha into the Nath order in the Vajeshwari Temple. While there I sat in meditation as the Chandipat was being chanted by the Brahmins and I could see out my third eye/forehead and I saw the Goddess Bahglamuki enter about ten feet from me through one of the doors. She was dressed in brilliant yellow with a pointed hat. Thereafter I have also had a vision of her coming to me and introducing me to her sisters.

Since then is when I have had the dream vision of Shivabalayogi and understand I am connected to him and have to develop this connection.

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