Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sally Moburg: A Real Dream

July 8, 2004, Ganesh Place

After my early morning meditation, I laid back down at 7:30am, and woke up at 9am, thinking that I should get up. As I lay there somewhat awake, and somewhat still asleep, the following happened/dream:

I was taken to the meditation hall at Indian Valley Retreat Center. We had just finished pada puja to Swamiji in new body. Swamiji then went and sat behind a partition in the hall. That Swamiji then appeared to be sleeping, and I was somewhat embarrassed over this.

In the meditation hall, Swamiji in his original body appeared in the chair. He appeared to be the same age as when he left his body. Swamiji looked so beautiful and happy. On the other side of the partition, (where Swamiji new body sat), Swamiji would laugh, then Swamiji in old body would make the same laugh. This went back and forth for some time.

From the back of the room, I was watching and crying to once again see my Swamiji in his original body. I wanted to go to his feet, but I could not move. Swamiji was talking beautiful English, stopped talking and then said "Oh, I have two of my old devotees here," and called for Geeta and me to come to him. Geeta and I went to Swamiji's knee, our heads on Swamiji's feet. I could not stop crying. Swamiji got up to walk, and put his arms around Geeta's and my shoulders. I kept crying and kissing his beautiful hands, continually saying "I love you."

As we walked among the retreat people, Swamiji stopped, looked at me and said, "What do you want Sally?" For a second, I thought of all the things I could ask for, and then said "I want Swamiji always in my heart." Swamiji smiled and then I actually felt a small thump in my heart, as if Swamiji had actually gone there.

Swamiji kept walking with his arms over Geeta's and my shoulders. I kept kissing Swamiji's hand, and began wondering where Mriganka had gone. She was not there to see what was happening. We walked past the closed bathroom door, with the light on, and I knew that Mriganka was inside. Swamiji gave a rap on the door with his knuckle and said "Mriganka-ji."

We walked further, then turned around. As we walked by the bathroom, Mriganka came out to go back to the meditation hall. She casually gazed over her shoulder at us, and continued walking. I was so surprised that Mriganka was not reacting to see Swamiji in his original from. Then, as if it had finally struck her to see that it was Swamiji, she turned to Swamiji and fell to her knees. In a huge loud voice, with her hands going up in the air, she kept repeating "Balayogi Maharajiki!" Her face was so beautiful and lit up with joy and ecstasy.

The new people in the hall had been silent watching this, wondering who this Swamiji was. They had never met the original body. Then everyone began putting their hands in the air going "Balayogi Maharjiki!" The whole room and devotees were estactic. Swamiji then walked back up to the chair on the stage, smiled and waived goodbye to us as he walked off the stage and behind the curtain.

Note: On July 6, 2004, in my meditation, I had been asking Swamiji for a vision of Swamiji's holy lotus body.

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